An airplane passenger is still up in the air about her decision to not give up the aisle seat she purchased to another ...
“They’ll go as high as they need to avoid having to involuntary deny boarding. Sometimes you yourself can make an offer, for example, $1000, a confirmed seat on the next flight, and a hotel if the ...
“Seat poachers get no quarter. I don’t care what their situation is,” the user ... “so it isn’t as much of a hardship for the ...
Russia will no longer have a seat on the influential UEFA executive committee after the European soccer body's elections in ...
Instead, the elderly woman turned to her and asked if she could give up her seat. “So I did. She was embarrassed when she saw me stand up with a bump, but I told her to just sit la,” the woman ...
When one man found another sitting on a seat he paid for, little did he know the shenanigans that were to follow as fellow ...
President Donald Trump will address a Joint Session of Congress Tuesday. Democrats have chosen Michigan Sen. Elissa Slotkin to deliver the rebuttal.
A man was branded 'heartless' after he refused to swap seats with another passenger on a flight - but was most horrified by ...