mono-and di-galactosyl diglyceride, sulphoquinovosyl diglyceride and phosphatidyl glycerol 1,2. Occasionally, other components are reported 1,3. You have full access to this article via your ...
Certain glycans -- sugar-like compounds with carbohydrate chains -- containing galactose, may exhibit potential prebiotic properties that support human health. Identifying enzymes capable of breaking ...
Carbohydrate chains, also known as glycans, are intricate sugar-like molecules that are crucial for various biological ...
Carbohydrate chains, or glycans, are complex sugar-like compounds that play important roles in various biological processes and structures in our bodies.
A Tokyo University of Science study identifies a novel β-galactosidase in Bacteroides xylanisolvens that breaks down ...
However, when reactions were conducted in the presence of a nucleophile mutant, α-D-galactosyl fluoride (α-GalF) as a donor substrate, and galactose or D-fucose as an acceptor substrate ...
Polysaccharides are carbohydrate polymers in which monosaccharide ((CH2O)n) units are covalently joined by an O-glycosidic bond in either a branched or linear configuration. Polysaccharides serve ...
三七Panax notoginseng (Burk.) F. H. Chen 为五加科重要的药用植物,其干燥根及根茎为名贵中药三七,具有散瘀止血、消肿定痛等功效[1] 。皂苷是三七中的 主要活性成分,相较于皂苷,三七中黄酮含量较低。目前对三七根及根茎中黄酮的分离鉴定研究较少,仅从三七绒 ...