[ET Net News Agency, 3 March 2025] A pre-opening trade of 493,100 shares of BABA-W (09988) was registered at 11:03a.m. The deal amounted to HK$62.87m, or at HK$127.5 per share, same as previous close.
[ET Net News Agency, 3 March 2025] A non-direct manual trade of 10 million shares of TRACKER FUND (02800) was registered at 10:17a.m. The deal amounted to HK$235m, or at HK$23.5 per share, 1.5% higher ...
Adobe has now released a free version for Apple's iPhone, with an Android app coming soon, Adobe executives told Reuters.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
这里不是得克萨斯州,也不是好莱坞,这是山东德州乐陵,有一条再现1900年旧金山风貌的“唐人街”。当电影《唐探1900》的热潮席卷全国,乐陵影视城凭借其独特的魅力成为当地文旅新地标,并带动乐陵市春节旅游综合收入超9000万元。乐陵影视城的崛起,不仅是“ ...
淮南市 recently issued an initiative to encourage participation in the 2025 National Social Worker Qualification Examination, ...
Successful cartoonist Lisa and her siblings gather at their parents' farm for the first time in over a decade. Her parents want only one of them to inherit the forest, which has been in the family for ...
马德里卡洛斯三世大学 (UC3M) 、厄瓜多尔理工学院以及位于巴塞罗那和马德里的 ASEPEYO 医院联合开发了一款体育电子游戏(或运动游戏)系统,以提升行动不便人士的手部和腕部康复效果。该系统可为康复治疗师提供数据,便于分析患者在康复阶段的进展。
The Louis Vuitton 2025 Spring-Summer collection LV BIKER handbag debuted with Lisa at Paris Fashion Week 2025.
很久以前,德国西北部的一个小镇患了鼠害,满街流窜的老鼠弄的镇民们的生活鸡犬不宁,一天一位吹笛人出现在镇上,表示愿意为大家驱除属患,但是镇民们要付出相应的酬劳,镇民们便答应了。只见吹笛人音乐一响,全镇的老鼠变得乖乖的跟着他,一个接一个跳进了海里。 He ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
习语 a leopard can’t change its spots是指江山易改,本性难移,形容人们要改掉坏习惯不是那么容易,即使他们佯装会改。当的士业界威胁要罢驶五天,除非政府取缔Uber这类叫车服务,司机的不诚实又再一次展现。真是可笑。的士司机需要问自己,为何即使Uber车资更昂贵,它在香港仍是这么受欢迎。Uber司机有礼,车辆整洁,容易预约,也不会像的士那样拒绝短途车程。