While defending ‘woke’ as meaning ‘you give a damn about other people,’ the veteran actor delivered a rousing speech urging ...
Jane Fonda is the daughter of Canadian-born socialite Frances Ford Seymour and the late famous actor Henry Fonda ...
Vilniaus licėjaus alumnai įkūrė neliečiamojo kapitalo paramos fondą su startinėmis 1 mln. Eur investicijomis. Fondas sieks iš ...
SBA grupės investicijų valdymo bendrovės „Capitalica Asset Management“ nekilnojamojo turto fondas „Capitalica Baltic Real ...
Prasidėjo 11 metų organizuojama prekybos tinklo „Maxima LT“ iniciatyva, padedanti bendruomenėms įgyvendinti savo sumanymus.
The iconic actress laughed it off after being briefly interrupted by technical difficulties while accepting the lifetime achievement award during Sunday’s ceremony.
Her Life Achievement Award speech invoked empathy as a counterargument to the idea that actors should avoid politics ...