Fluorescent light has been linked to migraines, sleep disruption, increased stress and more. Fortunately, there are many ...
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_t2jrSsVXs&NR] This is an array of flourescent tubes that form a display. The video above is just two modules of a ten module ...
Available in many lengths and several diameters, the tube is lined with a fluorescent phosphor. When the mercury is excited by electricity, it emits ultraviolet (UV) light, which causes the ...
For a time, however, it appeared that fluorescent protein engineering had hit a 'yellow' wall in efforts to red-shift fluorescence emission. Fortuitously, this barrier had already been surmounted ...
Their new method for data storage manipulates atomic-scale crystal defects - microscopic gaps where atoms are missing - so ...
VFDs — vacuum fluorescent displays — have a distinctive look, and [Anthony Francis-Jones] is generally fascinated with retro displays. So, it makes sense that he’d build a VFD project as an ...
In addition to sunlight, ultraviolet rays are also given off by several different forms of indoor lighting, including compact fluorescent lamps (CFL’s). CFL’s are commonly long, cylinder shaped and ...