Flood watch alerts have been issued for northern NSW as well as warnings for powerful waves and abnormally high tides.
Researchers at USC discovered that buildings in Alexandria, Egypt, are collapsing from the bottom up because of saltwater ...
According to a press release, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission (BRPC) wants to hear from residents who live on unpaved ...
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Dear Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council, ...
Delaware is shoring up it southernmost beaches after significant erosion with a emergency dredging and beach nourishment ...
The Alaska Department of Transportation recently amended the 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program to ...
Jetty Park in Fort Pierce has long been a popular place for locals to go fish, watch boats go by, or take in the beautiful views of the ocean.Now, St. Lucie Cou ...
The pliosaur was a carnivorous reptilian apex predator that roamed and ruled the seas for millions of years during the ...
The 5 acres of artificial reef in the shallow waters of the Cape Fear River will provide new oyster habitat and offer ...
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service encourages people to eat nutria to combat the invasive species causing environmental damage.