The unusual process to switch — midterm — a citywide council seat to a district-elected seat was approved by Irvine voters in ...
It was a strikingly different scene from just two days before by his fellow Republican Senate colleague, Lisa Murkowski.
Not surprisingly, former Fox News contributor George Will has equivocated PBS with a human appendix (“purposeless”; “inessential”). (“How Corporation for Public ...
Doctors in Texas have withheld lifesaving abortions out of fear of prosecution. A bipartisan bill on medical exemptions would give them the clarity they need.
There is less agreement about how much of the problem is the prospect of policies that will diminish corporate earnings, and ...
As Vladimir Putin says “yes, but” to a US plan for a cease-fire in Ukraine, here’s what Donald Trump could do to make him ...
EDITOR: A Gallup poll in January revealed that 54% of us preferred to stay on standard time and 40% preferred daylight saving ...
The Damascus regime’s fate matters to Moscow and Tehran as its leader may not be the only despot to topple ...
President Donald Trump has sent a clear message to Europe in his first six weeks back in office that the era during which the ...
Since then, the elected official has equivocated in public on the town’s commitment to the new design, leading the church’s lawyers to threaten the rural enclave of 11,000 residents with a ...
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