Dick Van Dyke took the stage to sing songs from "Mary Poppins" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" in an effort to raise funds for ...
Dick Van Dyke may be turning 100 later this year, but that doesn’t mean that he’s lost his love for performing in any way!
Dick Van Dyke and his wife hosted a fundraiser in Malibu two months after the Palisades Fire nearly destroyed their home.
Late last year, Van Dyke celebrated his 99th birthday on Dec. 13 and had to be evacuated from his home after wildfire raged ...
在南非,美容与道德似乎总是难以兼得。最近,38岁的范戴克(Van Dyke)因十多年前与《花花公子》合作的裸照被选美组织取消了参选资格,这个突发事件迅速引发了公众的热议,她的选美之路就此终止,令人唏嘘。 这位容貌出众、母亲身份的女性,近年来一直致力于家庭生活与模特事业的平衡。她对自己的过去并不掩饰,曾在社交媒体上声明:“那些照片是我当时养活孩子的勋章。”然而,仿佛命运与她开了个玩笑,旧照的曝光让她 ...
I’m pleased to be bringing a debate to the House of Commons on ambulance service response times. The scale of this problem is ...
The Liberal Democrat MP highlighted that her constituents are being compelled to pay more for a rail service plagued by delays and cancellations.
Dick Van Dyke and his wife, Arlene Silver, hosted the event to support those affected by the Palisades Wildfires that ...
Coming out of Monday’s South Tama County board meeting, one thing was clear: the resignation of high school Physical ...