Infants who were not exclusively colostrum-fed (NECF) have greater risk for food allergies at age 1, according to research presented at AAAAI/WAO.
Food allergy anxiety is a unique subtype of anxiety that merits specific assessment and tailored interventions, according to ...
Infants who did not exclusively feed on colostrum during their first 3 days of life were more likely to develop egg or peanut ...
Researchers combined AI and neuroimaging to uncover how emotions and language influence brain activity, showing that ...
It is unpleasant to have an enemy. Most people try to avoid hostilities that escalate to the point of mutual antagonism.
Making enemies isn't random. Traits like emotional instability, aggression, and disruptive behavior early in life can lead to antagonistic relationships. Research on students aged 9-14 found that ...
Bringing research from the lab to the home, from a controlled environment to real life, can be a way to understand human ...
It is unpleasant to have an enemy. Most people try to avoid hostilities that escalate to the point of mutual antagonism. Which raises the question ...
Patients: The 14 key informants were composed of 7 dyads, each consisting of an NP and the one being nursed. Main Outcome Measures: Attributes of the caring between the NPs and the ones nursed ...