As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and the need for sustainable development, innovative solutions ...
近些年来,人类的目光逐渐投向了太空,尤其是蕴藏丰富矿产资源的月球、火星、近地小行星等。太空采矿,这个以往在科幻小说和电影中出现的场景,正在逐步走向现实。2025年3月,中国矿业大学研发出国内首台太空采矿机器人。与时下火爆的人形机器人以及机器狗等不同, ...
When it comes to robotics globally, China is the focus. In January and February this year, China's industrial robot ...
On March 10, with a resounding whistle, a container train carrying leather goods set off from Putian Railway Station in Zhengzhou. After reaching Qingdao Port by rail, the goods will seamlessly transi ...
Pricing Limitations: Biometric cards currently cost US$15 to US$20 per unit, nearly 10 times the price of a standard contactless card. Enrollment Challenges: The lack of a standardized, scalable ...