Its absence was enough for them to proclaim that there was no revolution (as in Spain in 1936 or Budapest in 1956). So they never criticized Bolshevik anti-democratism, even though unlike Trotsky they ...
In his 1994 book Diplomacy, Henry Kissinger wrote about the two dominant strains of American foreign policy: realism as practiced by President Theodore Roosevelt and crusading democratism as ...
Anyone with even one eye open is aware of President Donald J. Trump’s high-profile wins in his first month in office. Year-on-year illegal border crossings are down 94 percent. DOGE has ...
The profound, albeit paradoxical democratism of this play is that leader Trump must constantly prove that he is capable of overcoming any restrictions in defense of the will of the majority. From this ...
Charlie finds himself topping the bill at the London Palladium after mistakenly going through the wrong door at a talent agency ...
The form of representation inherent in most phases of bourgeois society, with its facade of democratism now veneered on a dilution of so-called joint powers that ultimately leaves the field open to ...
Marxism teaches the proletarian not to keep aloof from the bourgeois revolution, not to be indifferent to it, not to allow the leadership of the revolution to be assumed by the bourgeoisie but, on the ...