In Zhaoxing Dong Village, SW China's Guizhou, the ancient craft of wax dyeing is not only preserving Dong culture but also creating new opportunities for locals.
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center will stage British director Rich Rusk's adaptation of Franz Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis" ...
The Dong ethnic group, residing in the mountains of southwest China, is home to a unique culture, including the UNESCO-listed Grand Song. Join us to explore Zhaoxing Dong Village in Guizhou to learn ...
On March 18, the Chongqing region witnessed an enthusiastic gathering of over 1,230 primary and secondary school students for the inaugural National Student Physical Fitness Standard Competition at Fe ...
你好,“这里是西安”!这是一座位于中国版图中心的古都也是“连接全国、通达世界”的国际性综合交通枢纽城市西安发布“This is XI'AN”国际传播双语视频专栏让世界看见一个“全新”的西安 “探访城市新地标”第期邀你走进Let's ...
韩国女演员金赛纶自杀事件引发对韩国社会系统性问题的反思。文章指出,韩国娱乐业的“深渊文化”对犯错明星实施过度舆论绞杀,高压竞争环境、性别歧视及社会失范加剧自杀风险。研究显示,韩国年轻人自杀率高与单一成功定义、失业压力、贫困个人化归因及厌女症密切相关, ...
GAZA, March 19 (Xinhua) -- At least 25 Palestinians were killed and dozens of others wounded on Wednesday in the Israeli bombing of a house in the Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City, according to Palesti ...
滨海湾花园 沉浸式媒体艺术馆将在今年12月开放,结合传统和数码艺术形式,通过沉浸式体验带访客走入新世界。票价预计将与本地其他艺术馆相当,以确保更多人能前来参观。
这项研究为提高苜蓿的耐盐性提供了新的思路和方法,为农业生产中应对土壤盐碱化问题提供了重要的理论依据。未来,研究人员可以进一步深入探究 CaO NP 与其他抗盐策略的结合,以及 miRNA 在植物抗盐机制中的具体作用,为培育更耐盐的苜蓿品种奠定基础,助力农业的可持续发展。