EcoNicheS: enhancing ecological niche modeling, niche overlap and connectivity analysis using shiny dashboard and R Package . This is Version 1.0.0, and subsequent versions will be uploaded with ...
The study found that Prequel ® Prenatal Screen with AMPLIFY™ technology enables reliable results as early as eight-weeks’ gestation. Typically, prenatal cell-free DNA (pcfDNA) screening is offered ...
Classically, quantitative geneticists have envisioned DNA sequence variants as the only source of heritable phenotypes. This view should be revised in light of accumulating evidence for widespread ...
When one person observes another making a sandwich or changing a flat tire, knowledge about the parts of the activity can allow the observer to fill in missing information, predict what will ...
Ecologically vulnerable areas (EVAs) are regions with ecosystems that are fragile and vulnerable to degradation under external disturbances, e.g., environmental changes and human activities. A ...
This important study provides new evidence on the role of norepinephrine (NE) release in the hippocampus in response to environmental transitions (event boundaries), providing a potential link between ...
Objective Adolescent substance use is an area of concern because early substance use is associated with a higher risk of adverse outcomes. Parenting style, defined as the general style of parenting, ...