Over half of all adults — and a third of children and young adults — around the world are expected to be overweight or obese ...
The unidentified ailment has sickened 1,300 people and led to more than 50 deaths. Regardless of the cause, experts say ...
According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) shows that nearly 24% of women and 22.9% of men are now categorised ...
Indians could be overweight or obese by 2050. This would mean, India will have the second-highest number of overweight and ...
The percentage of children under five who are overweight increased from 2.1% to 3.4% between 2015-16 and 2019-21, according ...
World Obesity Day (WOD) is acknowledged globally on an annual basis on March 4th. The World Obesity Federation (WOF) and its ...
India will have 450 million adults who are overweight or obese, accounting for 11.8% of the global population that is ...
The obesity epidemic just got bigger with a new Lancet study predicting that 21.8 crore men and 23.1 crore women in India ...
When considering both overweight and obesity, projections indicate that by 2050, 39.2% of girls aged five to nine in the UK ...
India must note that obesity is a public health challenge, waiting for holistic, multipronged and comprehensive interventions ...