Laurence Olivier's former voice coach said it was "enjoyable" to be able to share his stories on working with the stars as he ...
Colorectal cancer is among the most common types of cancer. It arises from abnormal growth of cells in the lining of the ...
研究结论与讨论部分指出,SIGLEC1 基因是一个与远处转移相关的基因,影响 COAD 患者的生存预后,有望成为新的治疗靶点。然而,SIGLEC1 在调节 COAD 发展和进展中的具体作用还需要更多体内和体外实验进行验证。该研究为 COAD 的治疗提供了新的方向和潜在靶点,有助于推动结肠癌免疫治疗的发展,未来有望为患者带来更好的治疗效果和生存希望。
Study findings indicate therapeutic potential of microbiome-based intervention to restore bile acid balance and promote gut healing in ulcerative colitis.
George Hall is said to be the ‘oldest’ podcaster in the UK after creating a short-series podcast about his encounters with ...
The patient's persistent symptoms prompted colonoscopic evaluation. The colonic mucosa was found to be diffusely erythematous and friable, with multiple scattered erosions present from the anal ...
The following data was collected: sex, residence, age, diabetes mellitus, body mass index, fasting blood glucose levels, hemoglobin, platelets, total, LDL and HLD cholesterol, triglycerides, serum ...
Program for Chemistry & Chemical Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, United States Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141, United States ...
Acute colonic ileus or Ogilvie's syndrome is an acute nonmechanical colonic obstruction with an unclear pathophysiology. This motility disorder generally occurs in elderly patients with serious ...