For most people, their ears are able to process these wide-ranging sounds and make sense of them. However, scientists don't have a full sense of why this happens because they are still working to ...
Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC, in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, ...
If some speakers in your sound system were broken, you might try to compensate by cranking up the volume on the ones that ...
The illustration shows a cross-section of part of the cochlea, the fluid-filled part of the inner ear that converts vibrations from incoming sounds into nerve signals that travel to the brain via ...
The hearing organ in mammals is a spiraling structure called the "cochlea" from the Greek word for snail. It spirals out from the saccule (one of the balance organs). There are two and a half turns in ...
To explore whether the cochlea responds to short-term stimuli, the researchers measured cochlear activity in mice using OCT. At the same time, they tracked the shifting brain states of the mice by ...
However, accurately and safely delivering these therapies has proven challenging due to the cochlea’s complex anatomy.
Researchers from Medical University of Vienna and affiliated organizations have presented findings from a study that aimed to assess the perilymph and tissue distribution of AC-102, a small and ...
Cochlear Limited ( ASX:COH ) has announced that it will be increasing its dividend from last year's comparable ...