There were trends towards a lower response rate in cases with associated myelodysplastic syndrome and for a higher response rate for nasal/auricular chondritis, sternal chondritis and concomitant ...
Both patients had myeloid vacuolization, chondritis and a systemic inflammatory disease state. VEXAS was initially reported to be a highly refractory disease to diverse biologicals (anti-TNF-α, ...
Chondritis (Χονδρίτης): bread made from coarsely ground cereals. Paxamas (Παξαμάς): a type of hard rusk. The name belongs to the baker (Paxamos) who had introduced it. The rusk was baked twice.
Abstract Background Patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) experience reduced physical function and impaired quality of life. Better patient-reported functional outcomes are found when lower disease ...