Como os dois maiores países em desenvolvimento, a China e a Índia têm uma tarefa compartilhada para alcançar o desenvolvimento e a revitalização respectivos, e devem se entender e apoiar mutuamente e ...
Fotos em preto e branco da artista da Ópera Yue, Yin Guifang, estão alinhadas nas paredes, capturando sua graça e paixão no ...
People view the joint exhibition booth of Chinese films at the Hong Kong International Film and TV Market (FILMART) in Hong ...
Standing for more than 700 years, the ancient building is testament to Beijing's history. Surrounding it, the labyrinth of ...
慕尼黑上海分析生化展(analytica China 2026)将于2026年11月16-18日在上海新国际博览中心N1-N5,E6-E7馆盛大举行。早鸟优惠申请现已正式启动,新老展商在2025年8月31日前报名均可享早鸟价格优惠。点击网址,即刻报名享早鸟优惠。
3月30日-4月3日,2025年度美国光网络与通信研讨会及博览会(OFC)将在加州旧金山举办,吸引全球各地光通信行业人士参与。展会期间,PSC中华光电学会将在4月2日下午5:00举办2025年度研讨会。本届OFC中,我们将举办线下研讨会,并在会后举办 ...
陈晓卿老师的新作《牛奶是部文明史》上映了。 但在媒体看片会上,陈老师充满黑色幽默地说:“我小时候,是没有牛奶这种食物的,只有粥和豆浆。” 陈晓卿出生于安徽省宿州市灵璧县,是传统中原核心区。而他所说的“没有牛奶“,则是近数百年来,真实存在于这片土地上的 ...
Manufacturers are quickly moving their operations out of China. The maker of Bratz and L.O.L. Surprise! Dolls has announced plans to shift 40 percent of its manufacturing to India, Vietnam, and ...
演员Gal Gadot身着Chloé 2025冬季系列LOOK38,黑色迷你花朵蕾丝饰边多层荷叶边长裙,亮相《白雪公主》全球首映礼。 该造型由创意总监Chemena Kamali为Chloé设计。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
新闻提要■地表最盛大的宗教集会印度「大壶节」今年盛况空前,吸引逾6.6亿名信眾和外国访客前来朝圣,创下新高纪录。精句选粹■India’s Maha Kumbh pilgrimage is drawing to a close after ...