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美国财政部当地时间周三(3月12日)宣布,拜登政府今年1月10日实施的一项为期60天的豁免期将失效 ,该豁免期允许受制裁的俄罗斯银行继续进行特定能源交易。如果豁免期失效,这些银行可能无法再使用美国支付系统进行重大能源交易。
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According to the US embassy, Marshall Islands-registered Celestite Maritime Inc. and Sri Lanka-based Marine Solution Pvt. Ltd ...
3月13日,美国财政部宣布对伊朗石油网络发起新一轮制裁,包括多家中国航运企业在内的17家实体及13艘船只被列入特别指定国民(SDN)名单。此次制裁的核心人物是自2024年8月起担任伊朗石油部长的Mohsen Paknejad。他负责监督价值数百亿美元的伊朗石油出口,并将大量石油配额分配给伊朗武装部队。
5 Pros and 3 Cons The Corolla Cross Hybrid Nightshade Edition will be available in three exterior colors: monotone Jet Black, Barcelona Red with a Jet Black roof or Celestite Gray with a Jet Black ...
The U.S. Government has imposed sanctions on Iran's Minister of Petroleum, Mohsen Paknejad, and a number of service providers that facilitate Iran's crude oil trade.The companies ...
1864 Great Deals out of 12256 listings starting at $500 1875 Great Deals out of 12399 listings starting at $500 1887 Great Deals out of 12718 listings starting at $500 1882 Great Deals out of ...
$27,999 $552.35/month est.
The Toyota Corolla was originally launched in 1966 as a compact little sedan meant to compete with the Datsun 1000 and the Subaru 1000. The model is now in its twelfth generation, and is available ...