California Black Media California NAACP Backs Bill Proposing Evidence-Based Teaching Methods for Children The NAACP ...
To do that, newly elected California Republican Party Chair Corrin Rankin said at a party convention in Sacramento last weekend that the party will be "going on the offense" and expanding efforts ...
Nicole Shanahan, Silicon Valley philanthropist and RFK Jr.'s former running mate, ruled out running for California governor ...
Republican Party Chair Corrin Rankin issued a statement following Governor Gavin Newsom’s acknowledgment that the state’s ...
Democratic Rep. Mike Levin faces another potentially high-stakes race while both parties fight for an open state Senate seat.
House Speaker Jason White has admitted that House leaders knowingly passed a typo-riddled tax overhaul plan in Mississippi that Senate leaders have since admitted was a mistake ...
FIRST IN PLAYBOOK: CHASING ATTORNEYS, NOT AMBULANCES — A new independent-expenditure group, Protecting American Consumers Together, is expanding its operations into California to target what it ...
The California Coastal Commission has been under siege like never before, alarming environmentalists and raising questions about the future of the 53-year-old state agency. By Soumya Karlamangla ...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom said that the high MediCal spending is partly due to illegal immigrants being allowed to take ...
Conservatives in the state have felt emboldened since the COVID-19 pandemic to fight back, and our numbers are growing.
You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. Sign up for the Essential California newsletter to start your day with expert analysis, news, features and guides from ...