The developments surrounding the Castle Doctrine in California have stirred a heated debate about self-defense rights and personal safety, especially amidst rising concerns over crime rates in many ...
In an announcement Thursday morning, Gallagher said that AB 1333 was pulled “because of ... whose area covers sections of Northern California, including Fresno County, Mariposa County, and ...
Assembly Bill 1333, which would have changed what qualifies as self-defense and eliminated circumstances such as defending ...
Assembly Republican Leader James Gallagher held a news conference on Thursday where he announcedAssembly Bill 1333 had been pulled by its author.
A California bill aimed at closing a legal loophole related to self-defense claims is being withdrawn due to 'misleading information.' Assemblymember Rich Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood) said Wednesday he ...
AB 1333, however, proved to be red meat for conservatives who derided it as yet another soft-on-crime measure from California Democrats. Riverside County Sheriff and California gubernatorial ...
The Southern California Democrat who proposed banning the Castle doctrine – or using lethal force to defend your home – has pulled the bill.
California’s Anti-Gun Bill Withdrawn Amid Backlash** In a significant victory for Second Amendment rights, California Assemblyman Rick Zbur has withd ...