When we think of domesticated animals, dogs, cats, cattle and horses are the types of animals that come to mind. But ...
If you're looking to upgrade the elegance of your bedroom, our guide to the best silk sheets can help. See our top picks from ...
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Sericultural and Animal Biotechnology, School of Biotechnology, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212100, P. R. China Jiangsu Key Laboratory of ...
Pioneer Valley Jazz Shares and the Northampton Center for the Arts will present “A World of Piano,” an event series featuring ...
Researchers recently unveiled a new bio-hybrid drone that integrates live silkworm moth antenna to detect smells.
SILK production is one of the most important industries in most of the warmer parts of the world; but the mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori, still supplies by far the largest proportion of this ...
The best-known product from moths and butterflies is silk, produced by the Bombyx moth caterpillar, also referred to as a silkworm. Each caterpillar can spin up to a mile of silk fiber, which has long ...
Evolution is the process of heritable change in populations of organisms over multiple generations. Evolutionary biology is the study of this process, which can occur through mechanisms including ...
Out of curiosity, she raised her own batch of Bombyx mori, the world’s foremost species of domesticated silkworm. When the white caterpillars, “like fat puppies,” disappeared into their ...
This study presents an important finding on the molecular mechanism for transduction of environmentally induced polyphenism. The evidence supporting the claims of the author is solid. This paper would ...
The guided tissue regeneration (GTR) technique is a promising treatment for periodontal tissue defects. GTR membranes build a mechanical barrier to control the ingrowth of the gingival epithelium and ...
The gut microbiomes of arthropods have significant impact on key physiological functions such as nutrition, reproduction, behavior, and health. Spiders are diverse and numerically dominant predators ...