"They're the most moronic invention," the actress tells PEOPLE Cate Blanchett is discussing her new production of Anton ...
Makita leaf blowers have a generally solid reputation, giving most users positive experiences - although there are some ...
The city says you’ll need to use leaf blowers powered by either a rechargeable battery or connected to an outlet.
Backpack models with high-capacity batteries push 10 hours. Homeowner reveals unexpected test results after pushing leaf ...
CAMBRIDGE — The days of the gas-powered leaf blower are numbered here.
Leaf blower regulations could be coming to Alexandria. The first of several community meetings took place at 7 p.m. City ...
Perhaps the single most bizarre accessory is the fake supercharger blower sitting on the hood, but the accessorizing doesn’t ...
Park residents voted to overturn a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers, citing changes in circumstances since the pandemic.