Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of ...
Astronomers analyzing M87*, the first black hole ever imaged, have discovered that its shadow changes from year to year. The ...
Learn how a "black hole 30 billion times the mass of the sun in a galaxy 2 billion light years away" using gravitational ...
The "Cosmic Horseshoe" is an Einstein ring, a system made up of a foreground galaxy whose mass is so great, it warps the ...
Scientists are working to identify an oddly pulsating, supermassive black hole ( SMBH) that pulled a really weird stunt. More ...
The supermassive black hole at the centre of our Galaxy is in continuous turmoil, observations made using the James Webb ...
Create a Physics World account to get access to all available digital issues of the monthly magazine. Your Physics World account is separate to any IOP acco ...
Officials in Costa Rica and Panama are confiscating migrants’ passports and cellphones, denying them access to legal services ...
Officials in Costa Rica and Panama are confiscating migrants’ passports and cellphones, denying them access to legal services ...
Jeon Ah-hyun pulls together a true collage of influences in The Metal Band’s Guide. There is some expected influence from ...
Core package to analyze gravitational-wave data, find signals, and study their parameters. This package was used in the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GW150914), and is used in the ...