A depressed German loaf of bread named Bernd das Brot is celebrating his 25th anniversary as the reluctant star of a children ...
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of a depressed loaf of bread gracing German children's TV, we look at some of Europe's ...
A depressed German loaf of bread named Bernd das Brot is celebrating his 25th anniversary as the reluctant star of a children’s television program BERLIN -- Forget SpongeBob SquarePants ...
Meet Bernd Das Brot, a Depressed German Loaf of Bread That's Spent 25 Years as a TV Cult Classic BERLIN (AP) — Forget SpongeBob SquarePants, Sesame Street and the sourdough starter craze ...
BERLIN — Forget SpongeBob SquarePants, Sesame Street and the sourdough starter craze: a depressed German loaf of bread named Bernd das Brot is celebrating his 25th anniversary as the reluctant ...
Bernd's beginnings Born as a sketch on the back of a napkin in a pizzeria, creator Tommy Krappweis drew Bernd's infamous grimace after co-creator Norman Cöster's face when they were asked to come ...
Read full article: Lauderhill police officer among 3 injured in multi-car crash Played and voiced by puppeteer Jörg Teichgraeber, Bernd is a television presenter who wants nothing to do with TV ...