20.5 x 27 cm. (8.1 x 10.6 in.) ...
A bamboo grove in Khilihamari, Jamugurihat, was deliberately set ablaze by unidentified miscreants late at night, resulting in the destruction of over 500 bamboos.
2377.HK China Boqi Environmental (Holding) Co., Ltd.
Uttarakhand Minister Premchand Aggarwal resigns after controversial remarks about hill residents, sparking political backlash ...
If you're a self-professed 'black thumb', growing lush, low-maintenance plants could be as simple as swapping soil for H2O.
纳西尔·艾贾兹现居巴基斯坦信德省首府卡拉奇,是一位拥有48年新闻从业经验的资深记者与研究员。他曾于1988年和1989年凭借最佳报道分别荣获金牌奖及另一项殊荣。职业生涯中,他曾在多家报纸和通讯社担任要职编辑,并作为巴基斯坦电视台的电视主播逾十年,主持 ...
As soon as you see the Icy Girl herself grace the stage — flawless makeup and frosty blonde locks at the ready — you’re ...
With its abundant natural resource, the prospects of the bamboo industry remain high and are expected to provide livelihood ...
Since its founding in 2009 by a passionate group of twelve dealers, Asia Week New York has evolved into a dynamic series of exhibitions, auctions, and cultural events spread across Manhattan and ...