Researchers from the University of Kansas school of journalism conducted interviews with farmers in Missouri and Kansas about their thoughts on climate change. Even though they are on the front lines ...
Death, alas, comes for us all. So why do so many of us avoid discussing it? As USA Today reports, a survey released last year ...
Scheduling across time zones can cause incorrect calendar reminders and missed meetings. Adam Engst explores the intricacies ...
Hostin discussed her desire to become a grandparent during a segment of "The Weekend View." But experts share what this ...
I’m not the world’s biggest defender of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) programs, and I believe they have so many well-known shortcomings. But it’s ironic that President Trump’s critique comes ...
My sister and I both live in the Midwest. Her son lives locally but her daughter lives on the West Coast, and makes six ...
"Criticizing or name-calling is invalidating, disrespectful and creates further emotional distance," she explains. "It can ...
An obscure Discord chat room, “Tech For Palestine,” infiltrated Wikipedia, the world’s largest information database, to ...
By Quentin Fottrell 'How many people maintain a relationship with their siblings after their parents died?' Dear Quentin, A show of hands please: How many readers of this column m ...
Amid the blizzard of breaking news, a familiar irritation poked through: ethnic labeling. The issue unexpectedly emerged this ...