One manager who will not be fazed 使烦扰 by Chelsea's performance is the Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger, whose team beat Bolton 2-0 on Sunday. Arsenal can go to the top of the league on Wednesday if they ...
Chelsea shrugged off 抛开 any problems off the pitch to reclaim the top spot in the Premier League by beating Arsenal 2-0 on Sunday. Some Chelsea fans had feared that the media furore 轰动媒体的丑闻 ...
(伦敦综合电)“三狮军团”英格兰在新加坡时间星期六(3月22日)凌晨举行的2026年世界杯K组外围赛首轮,主场以2比0击败阿尔巴尼亚。除了新帅图赫尔(Tuchel)之外,“炮兵”阿申纳(Arsenal)的18岁小将刘易斯-斯凯利(Lewis-Skel ...
Mix as in mix and mingle, join and become part of a large group. To be in the mix, then, is to be included. Hence, ...
(伦敦综合电)“炮兵”阿申纳(Arsenal)星期天(3月16日)在英超焦点战中主场1比0战胜“蓝军”切尔西(Chelsea)。“红魔”曼联(Man Utd)客场3比0横扫“狐狸”莱斯特(Leicester City)后,排名反超两球不敌富勒姆(Fulham)的“热刺”托特纳姆(Tottenham)。
利物浦的辉煌与曼联 (Manchester United)的70座冠军奖杯形成鲜明对比。作为英格兰足坛的另一座丰碑,曼联在历史长河中同样有着不逊色的成就。20座顶级联赛冠军、3座欧冠冠军无不彰显着这支球队的伟大渊源。而当我们追溯这一切时,不得不提起传奇主帅弗格森 (Ferguson)的统治力与号召力,正是他将曼联打造成英超时代的霸主。