There is excitement about the potentially lucrative resources scattered around the island, especially the rare earths. But ...
The samples were taken from the loose rock that sits on top of the Moon’s bedrock, and all samples taken by Pragyan were made up of ferroan anorthosite. Ferroan anorthosite is a white rock which ...
The dominant presence of ferroan anorthosite (FAN) in the soil observed by APXS further confirmed the LMO hypothesis. However, the presence of additional Mg-rich materials suggests that the outer ...
L'Anorthosite est une roche phanéritique intrusive et ignée, composée pour la plus grande partie de feldspath plagioclase (90-100%), et d'une petite quantité (0-10%) de composants mafiques tels que le ...
ANORTECH INC. (“AnorTech” or the “Company”) (TSX Venture Exchange “ANOR”; OTC “ANORF”) is pleased to announce that it has filed a provisional patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office ...
AnorTech Inc. a publié ses résultats pour le troisième trimestre et les neuf mois clos le 31 décembre 2024. Pour le troisième trimestre, la société a déclaré une perte nette de ...