这项研究意义非凡。它首次将系统动力学模型应用于钩虫病防控领域,为中国钩虫病防控提供了一套优化策略。这些策略充分考虑了不同地区的感染情况和成本效益,具有很强的针对性和可操作性,能有效指导中国钩虫病的防控工作,助力实现消除钩虫病的目标。同时,研究也为其他国家钩虫病的防控提供了宝贵的借鉴经验。不过,研究也存在一些局限性,比如模型基于部分假设,未涵盖所有相关因素,数据存在一定局限性,模型结构复杂可能导致过 ...
In most cases, the rash from a wandering worm is in a foot, ankle, thigh, or rear—basically from a person walking or sitting in fecal-contaminated soil with exposed skin. But, in the New England ...
A teenager from California visited a dermatology clinic complaining of an unsightly rash, which was later found to be parasitic worms. The 19-year-old boy worked as a beach lifeguard in southern ...
Depending on the species of helminth, a range of symptoms can occur. Some are minor such as nausea and pneumonia caused by the larval stages of the hookworms Necator americanus and Ancylostoma ...