“Good part” here refers to the good manner in which something unpleasant is taken, be it criticism or ridicule. In other ...
China's tech hub Shenzhen has formulated a new action plan to boost the embodied intelligent robotics sector, aiming for an ...
马德里卡洛斯三世大学 (UC3M) 、厄瓜多尔理工学院以及位于巴塞罗那和马德里的 ASEPEYO 医院联合开发了一款体育电子游戏(或运动游戏)系统,以提升行动不便人士的手部和腕部康复效果。该系统可为康复治疗师提供数据,便于分析患者在康复阶段的进展。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Natasha lay back in the lounge of her five-star hotel, the golden light of the African sun filtering through the落地窗, painting ...
在美国大选期间,世界首富马斯克一直大力支持唐纳德·特朗普,于是在当选之后,特朗普将削减联邦政府支出的重任托付给了马斯克。 “政府效率部”(Department of Government ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Brace yourself for a masterful performance from THE ARISTOCRATS, featuring world-renowned musicians Guthrie Govan on guitar, ...
万代南梦宫娱乐公司,作为日本著名的电子游戏开发及发行公司,近期在欧洲和美国同步申请了两个全新商标,令许多游戏迷的期待之情再度被点燃。首先,在2月27日,该公司为“Once Upon a KATAMARI”申请了商标,这无疑是备受欢迎的经典动作冒险游戏《块魂》系列的最新作品。而在更早之前,2月14日,该公司在美国和欧洲为“Gekishin Squadra”申请了商标,虽尚未明确其归属,也让人浮想联翩 ...
What is it like to live in the depths of the ocean for a month? This science-fiction-like concept is about to become a ...
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