China urges the United States to respect the facts and multilateral rules, and refrain from going farther down the wrong path, the spokesperson said, noting that China will monitor U.S. actions ...
罗伯·丰特 VS 吉恩·松本亨利·赛胡多 VS 宋亚东布兰登·艾伦 VS 安东尼·赫尔南德兹简·席尔瓦 VS 梅尔希克·巴达萨严武者网讯 ...
The United States should refrain from wielding the big stick of tariffs and using them as a coercive tool, China's Ministry of Commerce said on Thursday.
BEIJING, Feb. 20 (Xinhua) -- Chinese consumers have benefited from the country's pro-consumption policies, which cover goods such as mobile phones, home appliances and automobiles, said the Ministry ...
武者网讯 北京时间2月23日,UFC格斗之夜252期比赛在美国西雅图举行。本次的头条主赛是一场雏量级对决,目前在UFC官方排名第8位的中国格斗明星“功夫小子”宋亚东(22-8-1,9 K,3 S,1 N)对阵排名第7位的前UFC蝇量级和雏量级冠军亨利 ...
Os Estados Unidos devem evitar recorrer ao uso de tarifas como uma ferramenta de coerção, afirmou nesta quinta-feira o Ministério do Comércio da China.
Beijing, 21 fev (Xinhua) -- A China espera que a União Europeia (UE) tome medidas concretas para trabalhar com a China e se encontrar "no meio do caminho" no caso anti-subsídio contra os veículos ...