文件的开头全为 0x00,从第 0x4000 字节开始,为下面的内容:(为了方便说明,四个字节一换行) 4c 4f 47 4f // ASCII 字符 LOGO 21 21 21 21 // ASCII 字符 !!!! (前 8 字节作为“魔数”识别文件) 05 00 00 00 // 第 1 张图片的地址偏移量 (格式转换见下方) 3b 07 00 00 // 第 1 张 ...
The Xiaomi Pad 7 is the iPad killer you've been waiting for. It's the best value for money Xiaomi device in recent memory.
Xiaomi's Software Development Director, Zhang Guoquan, recently described WinPlay as a potential turning point for tablet ...