This movement of hot and cold air is how wind is generated. It's kind of like when you let go of a balloon and all the air rushes out… Whoops! The modern turbine has blades that keep turning ...
The Gas Turbine Diagram result screen shows the major flows entering and exiting the gas turbine. This screen is available for both the NGCC and IGCC plant types: •Temperature In: Temperature of the ...
In 2010, the University of Delaware and Gamesa Technology Corporation (now Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy) joined forces to install a utility-scale 2-megawatt (2-MW) wind turbine at UD’s Hugh R.
Bad luck strikes again. The same wind turbine blade that scattered debris across local beaches last summer was apparently struck by lightning last week. Vineyard Wind’s visual inspection showed ...
A stricken turbine at the Vineyard Wind offshore wind project has been hit by lightning, according to multiple local reports. Vineyard Wind – the pioneering commercial-scale US project being built off ...
A wind turbine off the coast of Nantucket in Massachusetts that broke apart last year has been damaged again by a lightning strike. The company behind the turbine, Vineyard Wind, said the damage ...
The same wind turbine that sustained damage in July and scattered large amounts of fiberglass debris onto the shores of some Nantucket beaches may have been struck by lightning Thursday ...