Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra celebrated his 40th birthday in Delhi. A photo, featuring his wife Kiara Advani and a friend, twinning in black outfits, is now going viral. Listen to Story Sidharth ...
There’s no need to throw separate birthday parties for twins, according to Jenna Bush Hager. But Jenna & Friends guest host Michelle Buteau isn’t so sure. The topic of holding joint ...
A Barbie doll of the beloved singer Aaliyah went on sale Thursday to mark the late star's birthday — and immediately sold out. The doll was set to be available for one day while supplies lasted ...
She's known for her trademark kooky personality so it's only natural that Claudia Winkleman had a birthday cake to match. The presenter turned 53 this week and to celebrate she posted a video of ...
In keeping with hiring former NFL players to coach safeties at the University of Washington, coach Jedd Fisch is expected to hire O'Dea High School standout and ex-USC Trojans safety Taylor Mays.