Wellington Water board chair Nick Leggett says he is "taking soundings" on whether he should resign after a scathing report ...
Groundwater is stored underground in aquifers, which act as natural reservoirs that supply wells and freshwater springs.
Compared to soaring gas and electricity bills, the cost of tap water might seem like a bargain. But municipal water service ...
The New Mexico Environment Department is offering 100 free domestic well water tests in Dexter. Testing will be offered from ...
CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — At the end of County Road 73, just outside of Calallen along the Nueces River, the city of Corpus ...
Residents are concerned the company's water pumping will contaminate local wells by drawing in chemicals from a contaminated site.
Drinking enough water is key to staying healthy, but it’s hard to do during Ramadan. Experts share tips on staying hydrated ...
According to the organization, women should aim to have 11.5 cups (92 ounces) of fluids a day, while men should have 15.5 ...