In a world where stress has become a near-constant companion for many, scientists and medical professionals have turned their attention to an unassuming hero within our bodies, the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve not only divides and branches out (its name derives from the Latin word for “wandering”), but it also connects to and interacts with other nerves in the body.
A recent study in an animal model provides direct evidence for the role of the vagus nerve in gut microbiome-brain communication, addressing a critical gap in the field. While the vagus nerve has ...
Summary: New research provides direct evidence that the gut microbiome communicates with the brain through the vagus nerve. Using germ-free mice, scientists observed significantly reduced vagal nerve ...
You can slow a rapid heart rate, caused by anxiety and even cardiac arrhythmias, using a classic technique called vagal ...
The vagus nerve is, in one way of thinking ... For example, a large cluster of vagal neurons clings like a vine to the carotid artery in your neck. Its nerve fibers follow this network of blood ...
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The vagus nerve might not be something you’ve thought much about, but it’s quickly becoming a buzzword in the ...
When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Vagus nerve stimulation has been dubbed one of 2025’s biggest wellness trends. But what is it? The vagus nerve ...
These are simple actions that engage the vagus nerve — the major ... to find a pulse are either the brachial artery (in your wrist) or the carotid artery (in your neck). Personally, I tend ...