香港, 2025年3月5日 - (亚太商讯) - 据财华网报道,2月28日,联想控股(3396.HK)发布正面盈利预告,公司董事会对截至2024年底之未经审核综合管理账目作出初步审阅,预期2024年度归母净利润介乎亏损约8亿元至盈利约3亿元(人民币,下同),同比2023年度有大幅收窄或扭亏为盈。 据公告显示,公司2024年度业绩改善的主要原因之一是旗下联想集团业绩同比大幅增长。过去一年,联想集团专 ...
据AEJ官网显示,来自美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校的Gaurav Khanna、暨南大学的梁文泉、耶鲁大学的Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak、新加坡国立大学的宋冉、合作撰写的论文“ The Productivity Consequences ...
Autosport可以透露,国际汽联认为有必要将六场工作量较大分站的赛会干事小组成员从三人扩充至四人,其中就包括 2025赛季揭幕战澳大利亚大奖赛。 F1的2025年《竞技规则》在 第 ...
SHANGHAI, March 4 (Xinhua) -- The world's first floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel with a carbon capture and storage facility was delivered in Shanghai on Monday, according to a ...
中航光电开发的 ICG系列高压大电流连接器专为储能电池包设计。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
"It's our turn to give seniors even more love and care." As a Chinese national lawmaker, Li Nannan has focused on improving services and policies that support the needs of the elderly.
Journalists from around the world are closely following China's "two sessions" given the political event's significance not only for China but also for the world.
US President Donald Trump said Monday the United States "will not put up with" what he perceived as Ukrainian President ...
红板报 on MSN2 天
Npj Comput. Mater.: 相变过程的隐秘力量:中间相调控热导率海归学者发起的公益学术平台 分享信息,整合资源 交流学术,偶尔风月 ...
• 亚马逊云科技(Amazon Web Services,AWS)推出了首款量子计算芯片Ocelot,旨在解决该领域面临的最大障碍之一:纠错。AWS称这款芯片可将量子纠错成本降低90%,这一重大突破将加快实用、容错量子计算机的开发进程。