To the unacquainted, Ultherapy PRIME® builds upon the foundation of Ultherapy®, a non-surgical lifting and skin tightening treatment. The merits it delivers have been proven to be aplenty – it’s ...
Collagen banking is a skincare trend focused on stimulating natural collagen production to delay signs of ageing. But how ...
Kim and Khloe Kardashian are Sofwave’s latest fans, but is the skin tightening and face lifting treatment worth the hype – and the pain?
Ultherapy®超声刀是目前全球唯一获得美国食品药品管理局FDA上市许可的非侵入性微聚焦超声技术无创美容治疗设备,它是以超声波为基础发展出来的技术,利用超声波在生物组织内的方向性穿透性和可聚焦性等物理特性,将体外能量超声波无损伤地穿透正常组织,精 ...
They love what they see in the mirror." Sofwave is similar to Ultherapy, an ultrasound treatment that also targets the face and neck. In Ultherapy, the ultrasound waves penetrate to three ...
As CEO, she outlines the key pillars that make the hospital a leading choice for patients seeking aesthetic and plastic ...
On the 10th, Whisung's agency, TAJOYENT, stated, "We are sorry to convey such heartbreaking and painful news," adding, "On ...
One day, you don’t notice your neck at all, the next the sagging and wrinkling of the skin seems to have appeared overnight.