Ukraine launched a fresh operation in Russia's southern Kursk region, Moscow said on Sunday, after Ukrainian officials and military bloggers reported new attacks from Kyiv in a region where Moscow ...
Currently, Russian forces are advancing in the east, slowly but surely, and they are shrinking Ukraine’s partial hold of the border region of Kursk. That the Russians haven’t been more ...
Russia said Sunday that Ukraine has launched a new counterattack in the western Kursk region aimed at repelling Russian and North Korean troops trying to retake territory that Kyiv’s forces ...
He has repeated the claim often, saying it would be contingent on his sitting down with Vladimir Putin, the Russian aggressor, and Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine. He also claimed ...
Ukraine has launched a counterattack in the southern Russian border region of Kursk, warning that Russia is “getting what it deserves.” Andrii Kovalenko, the head of the Ukrainian Center for ...
In a three-hour interview with US podcaster Lex Fridman, Zelenskyy recognized that continuing support from Washington in the wake of the departure of Joe Biden would be vital if Ukraine is to fend ...