The test is aimed at expanding the refueling envelope of the A400M to refuel a wide variety of NATO aircraft, and follows the ...
Learn about the $590 million CMV-22B aircraft contract modification received by the Bell Textron and Boeing joint venture ...
Upgraded with NP2000 propellers, the US Navy’s KC-130T tanker can refuel more aircraft than ever, boosting the power and range of the whole fleet.
The military will be resuming V-22 flights with the understanding that “catastrophic failures due to inclusions is as high as ...
The U.S. Navy has awarded a $590 million contract modification to the Bell Boeing Joint Program Office for the production and ...
Capt. Joshua C. Watson rallied his Marines after a 2023 Osprey crash, accounting for all and evacuating wounded despite a ...
The US Navy is stationing its new "lightning carrier ... rotary aircraft flown by Marine and Navy aviators, such as MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotors, MH-60S Knighthawk helicopters, and F-35B stealth ...
The US Navy (USN) has bolstered its air-to-air refuelling ... Prior to the testing work, only the Bell-Boeing MV-22 Osprey was cleared to refuel from KC-130Ts equipped with the NP2000.
Watson, left, student naval aviator, is awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal at the National Naval Aviation Museum, ...