历经数年低迷导致美国写字楼空置后,黑石集团(Blackstone Inc.)总裁乔恩·格雷(Jon Gray)认为写字楼领域已迎来重新布局的契机。其房地产交易团队正准备收购曼哈顿中城一栋50层建筑的股份,这是迄今为止最鲜明的信号,表明该集团认为市场已为反弹做好准备。
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
This spring, the stage of Italian football has once again witnessed thrilling drama. In the recent 29th round of Serie A, AC Milan turned the game around to defeat Como 2-1 amidst the cheers at San Si ...
Serginho's radiant smile was evident as he celebrated his birthday with the Chinese national football team, marking a special occasion that resonates beyond personal joy. This article explores ...
一场大雨让伊朗一处着名海滩呈现血红色,震撼眾多游客。这场降雨落在富含矿物质的海岸线,使得荷姆兹岛(Hormuz Island)上的红色海滩(Silver and Red Beach)色彩更加鲜明,形成宛如异世界的景象。《每日邮报》报 ...
3月11日,《中国日报》以《《Land-subsidence areas can be turned into farmlands》为题刊发全国人大代表、我校校长袁亮院士两会建议。全文如下: ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
In 2024, Hangzhou further enhanced its football infrastructure by adding 166 new fields, bringing the total to 1,476 across ...
当时的报道还称,星巴克首席财务官Rachel Ruggeri预计将与其他公司高管“在未来几周访问中国,进行出售谈判”。不过随后不久,就传来Rachel Ruggeri离职的消息,她也没有出现在股东大会的舞台。Cathy ...