A new CBS/YouGov poll shows that 70% of Americans think President Trump is keeping his campaign promises. On Friday, Mr.
These National and State Guards are better equipped than the entire national militaries ... weapons that were available in 1791 when the Second Amendment was ratified and 1868 when the Fourteenth ...
criminalized an entire class of rifles owned by millions ... yet reasoned dissents charts a proper course to restore the Second Amendment to its esteemed place in our Bill of Rights.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. – Second Amendment Perhaps the only group ...
Regarding Jan. 26, Justin Davis “Firearms rights are under assault in Maine”: The Second Amendment of the Constitution is a mere 27 words but the gun lobby folks never mention the first 13 words, “A ...
The Supreme Court should and will take a Second Amendment case very soon, and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) won’t be happy. When Whitehouse basically threatened the Supreme Court over a ...
If the NRA cannot or is unwilling to articulate a vision for gun-rights proponents, the entire cause of gun rights suffers. The key to defending the Second Amendment requires its proponents to ...