February 19 - Boston Bruins defenseman Charlie McAvoy is being treated for an infection and a "significant injury" to his right shoulder and remained in a Boston hospital Wednesday morning.
Neck pain and shoulder pain that occur together typically happen due to an injury, but it can also be due to certain health conditions, including a heart attack. Treatment can depend on the cause.
Qualified patients can now get a lifetime guarantee that any new costs related to their shoulder-replacement surgery will be completely covered. One done, many more to come. Orthopaedic surgeons at ...
Knee pain, affecting an estimated 654 million people worldwide, so blood flow restriction training (BFRT) is catching the spotlight as an effective intervention. Evidence continues to demonstrate the ...
The primary symptom of shoulder bursitis is pain. The type of discomfort varies, but some of the common sensations include: Dull/aching pain at rest and during everyday activities Pain that radiates ...
No matter the cause, shoulder pain is uncomfortable—and when paired with an unsupportive mattress, it can lead to disruptions in your sleep and lower quality rest. Fortunately, choosing the ...
Upper back pain between the shoulder blades may result from poor posture or muscle strain. However, it can also stem from more serious problems with the spine, such as scoliosis or osteoarthritis.
Department of Anesthesiology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing 100730, China ...
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Radiofrequency has long been used in other arthroscopies as well, and its earliest application was in shoulder arthroscopy to reduce periarticular soft tissue laxity and treat shoulder instability.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a painful, complex disease that affects millions of people worldwide. There is currently no disease-modifying therapy for OA, and existing drugs to treat symptoms of OA are ...