Completed in 2024 in Sydney, Australia. Oxford Properties Group ('Oxford'), Mitsubishi Estate Asia ('MEA'), and Investa's ...
The British Museum has begun the search for firms as it looks to renew its £46m construction consultancy services framework.
The massive fire that raged in the center of Arnhem has been completely extinguished, Veiligheidsregio Gelderland-Midden ...
Cadoxton Primary School playground was seriously damaged following Storm Darragh in December. Parts of the playground including a wall were left in ruins after it was battered by ...
The 59-storey Citigroup Center was inaugurated in 1977. At the time, it was the seventh-tallest skyscraper in the world.
A vacate letter sent by the City of Charleston to the Dockside Association details corrective actions the Dockside board must ...
Viet Nguyen, a program manager at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Fort Worth District, has managed critical programs and ...
CADILLAC, MI – A suspension bridge that connects popular hiking trails along the Manistee River is still closed after more ...
Los Angeles, California. Architect & Interior Designer: Nwankpa Design / @nwankpadesign. Footprint: 1,182-square-foot house ...
With more than 500 bridges crisscrossing the city of Philadelphia, they are an integral part of daily life. In a city defined ...
Senate Bill 110, which seeks to increase axle weight limits for certain trucks, is a dangerous and costly mistake.
Engineers explain that structural concerns at Dockside Condominiums appear similar to Champlain Towers that collapsed near ...