Made from solid carbide with robust geometry, XP tools from Vortex Tool Co. eliminate the need for coatings and are ...
Fixed the issue where incorrect information was present in the description of the Stellite Coating modifier. Fixed the issue where “Tapper” is referred to as a “Passive Modifier” in Journey Mission 6.
Fixed the issue where incorrect information was present in the description of the Stellite Coating modifier. Fixed the issue where “Tapper” is referred to as a “Passive Modifier” in Journey Mission 6.
工阀智控立式不锈钢止回阀特点 1、产品设计制造按GB12235设计标准,结构合理,密封严密,外形美观。 2、阀瓣、阀座的密封面采用司太立(stellite)钴基硬质合金堆焊而成,耐磨、耐高温,抗擦伤性能好、使用寿命长。 3、可采用各种配管法兰标准及法兰密封 ...
Fixed the issue where incorrect information was present in the description of the Stellite Coating modifier. Fixed the issue where “Tapper” is referred to as a “Passive Modifier” in Journe ...
3.支管两端为对焊连接,适应不同的接管要求。 4.阀瓣、阀座的密封面采用司太立(stellite)钴基硬质合金堆焊而成,耐磨、耐高温,抗擦伤性能好、使用寿命长。 5.高温耐压部件采用优质耐热合金钢制造,安全可靠,性能稳定,使用寿命长。 电站止回阀:止回阀又 ...
旋启式止回阀结构与特点 1、选材考究,符合国内、外相关标准,材料的全面质量高。 2、密封副配对合理,阀瓣、阀座密封面采用铁基合金或司太立(Stellite)钴基硬质合金堆焊面成,耐磨、耐高温、耐腐蚀、抗擦伤性能好,使用寿命长。 3、可采用各种配管 ...
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 has been around for several years and is receiving regular updates with new features, content, and bug fixes. Massive Entertainment has just rolled out a new version named ...