The Steamship Authority general manager search committee took a step closer to filling the position. Here's the placement ...
The story revolves around a big yellow lighthouse that works tirelessly at night to warn ships of dangerous rocks. A young ...
A search firm to recruit the next general manager of the Steamship Authority has been selected. At a Tuesday morning meeting, ...
Elon Musk, POTUS 47’s First Pal and sometimes favorite Elmo when not mistaken for the real POTUS, suggested March 5 that ...
The Steamship Authority's newest ferry is the first of three converted in an Alabama shipyard for use on the Cape and Islands ...
The Woods Hole, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket Steamship Authority has promoted its director of maintenance and engineering ...
The wreck of a German steamship sunk at the end of World War II found by divers, with the crates on board the submerged vessel holding the precious furnishings of the lost 18th century Amber Room, ...
THE Reiss Steamship Company, which was incorporated in 1916 by Peter Reiss, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and the C. Reiss Coal Company, is one of the most active and important factors in lake ...
The Steamship Authority has a new chief of operations. Mark H. Amundsen, who had held the title of director of maintenance ...
Mark H. Amundsen, director of maintenance and engineering at the Steamship Authority, has been named the organization’s new ...