Widespread and abundant in much of North America, the introduced European starling is arguably and ... Often evicts native species from nest holes. Migration: withdraws in winter from northern ...
There are nearly 120 species of starlings. You can find multiple starling species within the same murmuration. During murmuration, starlings are constantly on the move. The unpredictability of ...
An invasive species is an organism that is "non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration," and whose introduction "causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm ...
Researchers recently observed a fledged European starling help its parents feed the next generation of chicks. This behaviour has been observed in other species of starling, but this is a rare example ...
Here are eight bird species who lay colourful and eye catching eggs. The American Robin is known for its striking blue eggs. The robin’s eggs are often speckled with darker flecks, adding an extra ...
A dunlin is about the size of a starling and both sexes are similar — they have a relatively long, thin, slightly downcurved ...
The population of Cape Glossy Starlings is quite healthy and they are not considered to be under any significant threat. In the Highway area they are quite common in gardens, shopping centres and on ...