And yes, it comes with stained edges: specifically a purple and white lightning design. To top it off, this edition also has a border on each page, and a hard book sleeve to put the book in ...
The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr.” — the Prophet Muhammad Muhammad decried ignorance.
“The Stained Glass Window” seeks to shift the ... (the Bells); the fourth an up-from-slavery success (the Lewises). My book wraps the lives of these Kings, Belvins, Bells and Lewises around ...
Aurelius Sutter, an instructor and graduate student in the book arts program, is showcasing his thesis, “We Shall Be Monsters ...
Lewis’ latest book, “The Stained Glass Window: A Family History as the American Story, 1790-1958,” released on Feb. 11, took the scholar outside of his comfort zone, digging into the turning ...