However, "by [Putin's] own account, his favorite songs are Soviet standards, not Western rock. He has been deeply conservative his whole life," Karen Dawisha wrote in her new book, "Putin's ...
In a video posted on Telegram in early February, two floating barriers are shown at the entrance to the natural harbor at Balaklava in Russian-held Crimea. Pro-Ukrainian activists claim the ...
cosmonaut Alexei Leonov Peter Gorin. NASA. The Space Race was a battle in the Cold War, a technological battle fought by Soviet and American scientists and engineers, and by Soviet cosmonauts and ...
Prague, Czechoslovakia, May 9, 1945: A crowd cheering the arrival of Soviet troops in a tank. As the Allied forces moved in from the West to secure a German defeat in World War Two, the Soviet ...
Confidently rolling toward Ukrainian lines in western Russia’s Kursk Oblast in up-armored vehicles brazenly flying the flag of the defunct Soviet Union, an assault group from the Russian 155th ...